All my life, it seems, I've had ESP. No, I can't see auras, or know where to find someone's cat, but I can sniff things out and taste things beyond most people's cares or capabilities.
When scents or tastes are all aligned properly, it is the olfactory or gustatory equivalent of a symphony, a harmony, a balance. When they are bad or off, it's an invisible, often lingering menace. So, in growing up with heightened sensory awareness, I've been cooking and doing perfumery more and more.
Neither one is my profession, but there's no doubt that I love both and would do either cooking or perfumery beyond a hobby if I didn't already have a good job that I like. That doesn't stop me from daydreaming about perfumes or food combinations, especially the former. If I had to pick either cooking or perfumery, I'd pick perfumery, since cooking already has a bigger following. It also seems that perfumes have yet to be deconstructed so that the average consumer could make educated decisions, so perfumery scores extra points on that front, too.
How should this work? Well, I definitely want to hear from others with extra-sensitive palates and nose bulbs. I also would like to trade recipes (really food combos and preparations, since I don't use measuring utensils often) and scent combinations.
I guess I should mention that squeezed in our apartment, I have 120+ essential and perfume oils. I've also started hawking personalized perfumes based on eating/lifestyle habits, scent affinities (what smells good to someone) and scent wardrobe (what scents a person already wears + I include what people would wear if price were no object).
So, if this interests you, please post something, whether it's a question, a comment or information. I'll answer questions, and throw in my two scents when asked. A few times a week I'll put up some "food for thought" and "scratch and sniff beneath the surface" updates and some links.
Sonia Kassambara
Hi Sonia, Congratulations! I'll be back.
In the empire of the senses, you're the queen of all you survey.
Let us also muse on the innocent joy of avocation. How pleasant it is to share views on hobbies and discuss other motivations besides how profitable something is.
good luck to you, citizen.
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