Sorry vegans and lactose indifferent: this is an ode to butter.
Can you believe that we didn't grow up with butter at our house? I can hardly believe it, myself. Nope, we were margarine all the way. I remember the first time I knew about the parallel universe, sometimes known as Butter World. It was in tenth grade, when our chemistry teacher Mr. Zachmann talked about butter being better than margarine due to the latter's hydrogenation and, hence, artery blocking.
Mr Zachmann didn't mention butter's delectable taste and browning properties, let alone its high throne in the annals of comfort food. To wit: Lovely Laurie, cooking at Jodi's last weekend said, "We went through 6 pounds of butter making quiche, brownies and croissants." Makes you think, "Mmmm." Now, think if Laurie had gone through 6 pounds of margarine, lard or shortening. Not the same, huh?
More on butter soon. Gotta go brown something...