I hope you are sittung down. I just figured out how to make delicious lemonade from scratch. It was amazing. And then, there is a bonus!! Read on...
The Lemonade Project
You will need:
6 to 8 lemons, depending on size
Tea strainer or cheesecloth
Boiled water that is room temperature
Large pitcher or bowl
3-4 cups sugar plus 2 cups sugar for next project
Storage pitcher with lid
1 quart glass jar with lid
First slice lemons in half, then pick out the seeds. Save all of the seeds and put them in a tea strainer if you have one. The other option is to put them in cheesecloth and tie them with string.
Put half of the lemons in a blender and cover with 4 cups for water. Blend on medium until the lemon rind is in chunks no larger than a lemon seed. Pour blended lemon mixture through the sieve into the large pitcher or bowl.
Empty the remaining lemon rind mixture into a large sauce pan.
Repeat this one more time or until you have blended all of the lemons and put that rind mixture into the large sauce pan. Add 3/4 cup water and 2 cups sugar. Add the tea strainer or bag of lemon seeds. Turn the heat on high and start your lemon marmalade!

Add sugar to taste and stir. Sample with a small spoon until it tastes a little too sweet. That will be just right. Next, use the funnel to transfer the lemonade into your serving container or storage container. When serving, add several ice cubes or crushed ice to dilute to the proper strength. Serves 6 to 8.
For the marmalade, cook on high for ten minutes, then turn heat down to low and simmer. Stir once. Start a kettle of boiling water. After the marmalade has boiled and is a sunny yellow and there is a few spoonfuls of thick liquid. Turn the heat off. Quickly rinse out your clean glass jar and lid with the boiling water over a small saucepan. Pour the marmalade inside, twist the lid shut and turn the jar upside down into the hot water until the lid is covered with about an extra inch of water. This will seal it in about 20 minutes. Serve with fruit, croissants, cake or swirl into ice cream.